As Kashmir Celebrates The Fall of Snow

As Kashmir Celebrates The Fall of Snow

As winter approaches and temperatures in the Valley of Kashmir dip to minus, the winter zealots eagerly wait for the first fall of snow. Locally known as Sheen, snowfall in the valley is a treat to the eyes, a refreshing sight which relieves you of the stresses of routine monotony and soothes the soul like nothing else possibly could. The snow spreads smiles across faces as it covers the entire valley into a magnificent white blanket and feeds the Himalayan glaciers and rivers, providing a supply of pure and pristine water to every nook and cranny of the valley. 

Its downpour becomes a time for merry making as people welcome its arrival in joyful ways for they are all excited about the fun they were about to have. People from different walks of life enjoy the Sheen in their own unique way. There are activities for everybody, cutting across social barriers. They range from playful Snow fights in the bylanes of Shehar –e- Khaas (popularly known as Sheen Jung) to the elite skiing festivals in Gulmarg.  Some like to mark their footprints over plain sheets of snow while others make a dazzling display of their creativity in making snow persons, locally known as Shinne Mohnuiv. Some like to make snow ice creams and hog them up while others like to laze around under a comfortable blanket and let the snowfall do a therapeutic treatment for them. 

Even though the snow makes people rejoice, it does bring with it a certain level of discomfort which Kashmiri people have mastered to beat with an unmatched expertise. Hear it from Kashmiris on how to beat the winter chills. Here are a few traditionally amazing Kashmiri ways to stay warm, comfortable and stylish while enjoying the fall of snow! 

  1. Cozy up in a Kashmiri Pheran

Lying somewhere between a cloak and a long cloak, the Phirans are a perfect way to balance between tradition and modernity, comfort and style!  It supplements other clothing in the harsh winter months, shielding its wearer from the bitter cold during the Chillaikalan. These traditional dresses are worn by men and women alike. Men’s phirans are generally made out of tweed or wool and are plain whereas a woman’s phiran has evolved from a plain cloak to a beautifully embellished fashion statement, from coarse fabrics to velvets and soft wools. The embellishments graduated to an art form, with each phiran being adorned in the splendor of gorgeous Kashmiri embroideries particularly Tilla and Aari. Grab a Phiran and march out to enjoy the Sheen! 

  1. Luxuriate in the Vogue of Pashminas

The soft velvety touch of hand woven Pashmina (also known as Cashmere) causes a little flutter in every woman’s heart! The Pashm wraps are not only luxurious in their feel and look, but also have an extraordinary warmth about them which makes their wearer comfortable and stylish in the gelid winters. Plain or contemporary, envelope yourself into their warm embrace and head out to enjoy your Sheen Jung (snow fight).

  1. Accessorize in Winter Woolen Wraps

An economical way to stay warm and dapper are the Kashmiri woolen wraps. Plain or embroidered to perfection, these warm beauties are highly reckoned for their smooth, soft & ultra fine touch and designs in varied intrinsic styles and shades.  These shawls and stoles are known for their ultra fine Pashmina like Touch and provide you a subtle warmth in broomal weathers. Tie them in French knots or wrap them around and beat the chill while flaunting vibrant hues of brilliant embroideries!

  1. Rug up your home in Wintry Chainstitch Rugs

For those who like to spend their winters lazing around in the comfort of their homes, a perfect way to beat the chill is opt for flooring which emanates warmth by its very look and feel. The Kashmiri rugs, in their wool and silken threads make perfect flooring solutions for both winters and summers! A typical Kashmiri rug can also be converted into a wall hanging to brighten up that lounge of yours. 

  1. Wrap around a Trendy Muffler

Any outfit – plain or printed, Indian or Western can be complimented by a muffler. These small sized woolen wraps keep you warm and cozy and are useful especially to cover your face and wrap around your neck in gelid climates. Snow or no snow, you can always pair up your outfits in the fab finesse of these wraps and enjoy their warmth in a stylish panache.

  1. Dress up in Winter Ethnic Suits

Prolonged winters and despondent skies do not stop Kashmiri ladies from looking absolutely gorgeous. Hear it from them and dress yourself in the warmth of ethnic woolen suits, bright and colorful, embellished in the brilliance of Aari, Sozni, Zari and Tilla embroideries. Who said comfort and style can’t go together!

Being the winter enthusiasts that we are, we at Kashmir Box are celebrating the heavy fall of snow which captured our valley in a magnificent trance after years of dry spells! So here’s introducing the Sheen Festival – a ten day spell where incredible offers fall like heavy snow. Celebrate with us and have your pick among a whole universe of Traditionally Kashmiri products! Add a tinge of Kashmir to your world! As Kashmir rejoices over Sheen, we rejoice too!